Oct : Deep Breath.

Here we are still getting used to covid and all it brings. Every one is tired, If it is possible for you to meditate sit for as long as you are able in a quite clean spot and just be. Allow the Divine heart to bring you peace, 

Let the mind just drift, Be still breath in breath out long breaths, Just be allow everything to simply drift by. Take time for yourself. Let the heart lead you. 

Find comfort in your ability to be still.

The world is trying to come to grips with everything. Let it do it. Simply observe.

Remember a simple kindness goes a very long way.It will recharge you and those to whom you give kindness. It can be a simple as just asking are you OK today.

Allow the divine heart to carry you through, Receive what ever comes your way with a good heart and let it all drift.

I wish you well and share the divine heart with you all.

from my heart to yours.

Drew,Sr M


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